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Male » Female » Youth »
10 Trg Bn Reme (Seme) » | Prince Philip Barracks, Bordon, Hampshire Adult Male | A.F.C. Bedfont Green » | Clockhouse Lane, Ashford, Surrey Adult Male | A.F.C. Richmond » | Park Road, Off Hounslow Road, Hanworth Adult Male | A.F.C. Teddington » | Adult Male | Afc Crondall » | Adult Male | Afc Hampton » | Kempton Avenue, Sunbury-On-Thames, Middlesex Adult Male | Afc Hawley » | Adult Male | Afc Heathrow » | Hattow Road, Bedfont, Middlesex Adult Male | Afc Lambourne (Elms) » | Hampton, , Middlesex Adult Male | Aldershot Boys & Girls Youth » | Male, Female, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U9, U8, U7 | Aldershot Spartans » | Guilford Road, Aldershot, Hampshire Adult Male | Aldershot Town Fc » | Ebb Stadium, High Street, Aldershot Adult Male, Adult Female | Aldershot Wanderers » | Adult Male | Army Sport Control Board » | Clayton Barracks, Thornhill Road, Aldershot Adult Male | Ash United Youth » | Youngs Drive, Shawfields Road, Ash Male, U18, U14, U13, U11 | Athletico Pathetico (Elms) » | Hanworth Road, Hampton, Greater London Adult Male | Azadagan » | High Street, Cranford, Hounslow Adult Male | Badshot Lea » | Cherrywood Road, Farnborough, Hampshire Adult Male | Badshot Lea Colts » | The Green, Off Badshot Lea Road, Badshot Lea Male, Female, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Banter Central » | Trenham Drive, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Barnslake » | Riverside Drive, Ham, Middlesex Adult Male | Beacon Hill Juniors » | Cricket Close, Off Tilford Road, Hindhead Male, Female, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Beaulieu Girls » | Chandlers Lane, Yateley, Hampshire Female, U15 | Beaulieu Youth » | Male, Female, U18, U15, U14, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Bedfont » | Adult Male, Adult Female | Bedfont Sports Club » | Bedfont Fc, Hatton Road, Bedfont Male, U18 | Bedfont Sports Girls » | Hatton Road, Bedfont, Hounslow Female, U15, U13, U12, U11 | Beehive (Aldershot) » | Adult Male | Bell On The Green Sunday » | High Street, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | Bentley » | Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Adult Male | Bluacre » | Woodplace Lane, Coulsdon, Surrey Adult Male | Brent » | Boston Gardens, Brentford, Middlesex Adult Male | Brentford » | Griffin Park, Braemar Road, Brentford Adult Male | Brentford (Youth) [Middlesex Parent] » | Braemar Road, Brentford, Greater London Male, Female, U18, U16, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9 | Brentford Community Sports Trust » | Adult Male | Brentford Community Sports Trust Youth » | Whitton Dene, Isleworth, Middlesex Male, U18, U16 | British Airways » | Crane Lodge Road, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | British Airways (Midweek) » | Crane Lodge Road, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | British Airways (Womens) » | Crane Lodge Road, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Female | British Airways Flight Deck » | Crane Lodge Road, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | Brunswick » | Boston Gardens, Brentford, London Male, Female, U18, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8 | Burymead Youth » | Shaftsbury Road, Bisley, Woking Male, U15, U13 | Camberley Cougars » | Kennals Lane, Southwood, Hampshire Adult Male | Camberley Town (U18) » | Krooner Park, Camberley, Surrey Male, U18 | Camberley Town Girls » | Park Road, Camberley, Surrey Female, U18, U16, U15, U14, U13 | Camberley Town Youth » | Park Road, Camberley, Surrey Male, Female, U18, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Cardinal Manning Old Boys » | Boston Gardens, Brentford, Middlesex Adult Male | Caterham Old Boys » | White Knobs Way, Caterham, Surrey Adult Male | Chiswick Albion » | Bedfont Fc, Hatton Road, Bedfont Adult Male | Christchurch Roxeth » | Boston Gardens, Brentford, Middlesex Adult Male | Christian Club Woking » | Wishbone Way, Goldsworth Park, Woking Adult Male | Churches Of Spelthorne United » | Manor Lane, Sunbury On Thames, Middlesex Adult Male | Colne Valley Ladies » | Bryony Way, Sunbury, Surrey Adult Female | Concorde Juniors » | Crane Lodge Road, Cranford, Middlesex Male, Female, U16, U13, U11, U9 | Coptic Pharaohs » | Off Coombe Road, Purley, Croydon Adult Male | Corinthian Guildford » | Busbridge Lane, Godalming, Surrey Adult Male | Coulsdon » | Adult Male | Cove Athletic » | Adult Male | Cove Manor » | Adult Male | Crookham Rovers » | Adult Male | Croydon Athletic (Youth) » | Mayfield Road, Thornton Heath, Croydon Male, Female, U18, U16, U15, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Croydon Borough Girls » | 282 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Male, Female, U18, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10 | Croydon Independiente » | Shelton Avenue, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Croydon Postal » | Trenham Drive, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Cultural » | 245A Tamworth Lane, Mitcham, Surrey Adult Male | Curley Park Rangers » | Whitmoor Road, Lightwater, Surrey Male, Female, U18, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Curley Park Rangers (Seniors) » | The Country Park, The Avenue, Lightwater Adult Male | Curley Park Rangers Girls » | Whitmoor Road, Lightwater, Surrey Female, U15, U13, U11 | Dees » | Tamworth Lane, Mitcham, London Adult Male | Diamond » | 15 Church Road, Whyteleafe, Surrey Adult Male | Duke Of York » | Adult Male | Duke Street Baptist Church » | Twickenham Road, Richmond, Greater London Adult Male | E.A. Sports » | Onslow Village, Guildford, Surrey Adult Male | Egham Sports » | Vicarage Road, Egham, Surrey Male, U15 | Egham Town Youth » | Runnymede Stadium, Tempest Rd, Egham Male, Female, U17, U16, U13, U11, U10, U9 | Elm Tree » | Adult Male | Elmwood Royals » | Hounslow Road, Hanworth, Hanworth Adult Male | F.C. Camberley » | Adult Male | F.C. Porto Of London » | Tamworth Lane, Mitcham, London Adult Male | F.C. Shepperton » | Bishops Duppas Park, Shepperton, Middlesex Adult Male | Farleigh Foxes » | Harrow Road, Farleigh, Warlingham Male, U12 | Farleigh Youth » | Harrow Road, Farleigh, Warlingham Male, U15 | Farnborough Youth » | Male, Female, U18, U17, U13, U12, U11, U10, U8, U7 | Farnham United Girls » | Monkton Lane, Weybourne, Farnham Male, U14 | Fc Swan » | Dodsley Lane, Easebourne Adult Male | Feltham Lions » | Feltham Comm College, Browells Lane, Hounslow Adult Male | Feltham Bees Disabled Sports Club Youth » | Browells Lane, Feltham, Hounslow Male, U16, U12 | Feltham Garrison » | Elmwood Avenue, Feltham, Middlesex Adult Male | Feltham Saints » | Browells Lane, Feltham, Middlesex Male, U17 | Feltham Sunday » | Glebelands, Hounslow Road, Feltham Adult Male | Feltham Youth » | Glebelands, Hounslow Road, Feltham Male, Female, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Fitzwilliam Old Boys » | Twickenham Road, Richmond, Greater London Adult Male | Fleet Town Youth » | Crookham Road, Fleet, Hampshire Male, U18 | Follyhill Rangers 94 » | Adult Male | Follyhill United 1994 » | Adult Male | Forum Flyers » | Adult Male | Freedom Spartans Athletic » | Weybourne Road, Aldershot, Hampshire Adult Male | Frimley Community Centre » | Adult Male | Frimley Falcons » | Frimley Green Road, Frimley Green, Camberley Adult Male | Fulwell City » | Powdermill Lane, Whitton, Middlesex Adult Male | Genesis » | Highbury Avenue, Thornton Heath, Surrey Male, Female, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8 | Gentleman Jim » | Chawton Park Road, Alton, Hampshire Adult Male | Gg United » | Hounslow Road, Hanworth, Middlesex Adult Male | Godalming Town » | Wey Court, Meadrow, Godalming Adult Male | Godalming Veterans » | Busbridge Lane, Godalming, Surrey Adult Male | Golden Lion » | Dunmail Drive, Honister Heights, Purley Adult Male | Golden Lion Veterans » | Aldershot Park, Aldershot, Hampshire Adult Male | Goldsworth Park Rangers » | Wishbone Way, Goldsworth Park, Woking Adult Male | Gomshall Rams » | Male, U11 | Grange Park » | Coulsdon Road, Old Coulsdon, Surrey Adult Male | Grayshott » | Beechhanger Road, Grayshott, Surrey Adult Male | Grosvenor House » | Boston Gardens, Brentford, Greater London Adult Male | Guildford & Waverley Revolutions » | Ludlow Road Resouce Centre, Ludlow Road, Guildford Adult Male | Guildford City Boys And Girls » | Worplesdon Road, Guildford, Surrey Male, Female, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Guildford City Lion » | Male, U18 | Guildford Railway Club » | Recreation Road, Guildford, Surrey Adult Male | Guildford Saints Boys » | Horseshoe Lane East, Guildford, Surrey Male, Female, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Hale Rovers » | Wings Road, Hale, Farnham Adult Male | Hammersmith Town Old Boys » | High Street, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | Hampton Corinthians » | Dean Road, Hampton, Middlesex Adult Male | Hampton Rangers Juniors » | Hatherop Road, Hampton, Middlesex Male, Female, U15, U13, U11, U10, U9 | Hamsey Rangers » | 192 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Hamsey Rangers Youth » | 192 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Male, Female, U16, U15, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Hanworth Park » | Browells Lane, Feltham, Hounslow Adult Male | Hanworth Villa Midweek » | Rectory Meadow, Park Road, Hanworth Adult Male | Hanworth Villa Youth » | Park Road, Off Hounslow Road, Hanworth Male, U15, U14, U12 | Haslemere Town Girls » | Camelsdale, Haslmere, Southwick Female, U17, U15, U13 | Hawley Raiders Youth » | Hawley Green, Fernhill Road, Blackwater Male, Female, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Hearts Of Teddlothian » | Buckingham Road, Hampton, Hampton Male, Female, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Heath Old Boys » | 282 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Heatherside Galaxy » | Camberley, Surrey Adult Male | Herat » | High Street, Cranford, Hounslow Adult Male | Hounslow Borough Ladies » | Wood Lane, Isleworth, Middlesex Adult Female | Hounslow Colts » | Thornbury Avenue, Osterley, Middlesex Male, U13 | Hounslow Hawks » | Wood Lane, Isleworth, Middlesex Adult Male, Adult Female | Imperial College Sch Of Medicine » | Udney Park Road, Teddington, Teddington Adult Male | Indian Gymkhana (Saturday) » | Thornbury Avenue, Osterley, Middlesex Adult Male | Isledon Wolves Youth » | Twickenham Road, Isleworth, Greater London Male, U16, U14 | Jawananee Maihan » | High Street, Cranford, Hounslow Adult Male | Jolls Legends » | Adult Male | Junior Allstars » | High Street, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | Junior Bees » | 190 Wills Crescent, Whitton, Hounslow Male, Female, U17, U16, U15, U14, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8 | Juniorshots Youth » | Junior Soccer Centre, Aldershot Town Fc Ltd., Aldershot Male, U15, U14, U13, U12 | Keephatch Park » | Wokingham Adult Male | Kerria Knights » | Trenham Drive, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Kew A.F.C. » | Riverside Drive, Ham, Greater London Adult Male | Kew Association Youth F.C. » | Riverside Drive, Ham, Greater London Male, U18, U14, U13, U12 | Kew Park Rangers » | Male, Female, U18, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9 | Lampton Park » | Lampton Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex Adult Male | Langdon Park » | Hattow Road, Bedfont, Middlesex Adult Male | Letef Select » | Guilford Road, Aldershot, Hampshire Adult Male | Lightwater United » | The Country Park, The Avenue, Lightwater Adult Male | Liphook United » | London Road, Liphook, Hampshire Adult Male, Adult Female | Longford Athletic » | High Street, Hounslow Adult Male | Maiwand » | Adult Male | Marble Hill Park » | Richmond Road, Twickenham, Middlesex Adult Male | Meadhurst Sunday » | Chertsey Road, Sunbury On Thames, Middlesex Adult Male | Merton Galaxy » | Adult Male | Mgc (Elms) » | Hanworth Road, Hampton, Hampton Adult Male | Mid-Day Sun » | Shelton Avenue, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Middlesex County Football League » | Adult Male | Middlesex Wolves » | Browells Lane, Feltham, Hounslow Adult Male | Midhurst & Easebourne Youth » | Rotherfield, Dodsley Lane, Midhurst Male, Female, U18, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9 | Milford & Witley » | Milford Heath Road, Milford, Surrey Adult Male | Milford Green » | Milford Heath Road, Milford, Surrey Adult Male | Mitcham Imperials » | Steers Mead, Off Lavender Avenue, Mitcham Male, U15 | Mytchett Athletic Ladies » | Sturt Road, Frimley Adult Female | N/Cle Univ. Garnett Fc » | Adult Male | New Life » | Farnborough Ave, South Croydon, Croydon Adult Male | Oakhill United » | 192 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Old Carthusian » | Godalming, , Surrey Adult Male | Old Coulsdon Colts » | Drive Road, Off Tollers Lane, Old Coulsdon Male, Female, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Old Isleworthians Youth » | Wood Lane, Isleworth, Middlesex Male, Female, U18, U16, U13, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Old Southall » | High Street, Cranford, Hounslow Adult Male | Old Whitgiftians » | Croham Manor Road, Croydon, London Adult Male | Old Wokingians » | Loop Road (B381), Woking, Surrey Adult Male | Pacific Sporting Jubilee (Psj) » | Adult Male | Pacnet » | Wheatsheaf Lane, Staines, Middlesex Adult Male | Parkway » | High Street, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | Petersfield Town Youth » | Love Lane, Petersfield, Hampshire Male, U18, U17 | Phoenix » | Bedfont Road, Lower Feltham, Greater London Adult Male | Phoenix Athletic F.C » | Shelton Avenue, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Pirbright Sports » | Recreation Road, Guildford, Surrey Adult Male | Pollards Hill Ll » | Male, Female, U13, U10 | Popesgrove » | Richmond Road, Twickenham, Middlesex Adult Male | Queens Park » | Queens Park Road, Caterham, Surrey Male, Female, U15, U14, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8 | Ramblers (Pitch Invasion) » | Hanworth Road, Hampton, Greater London Adult Male | Real Merton » | Adult Male | Red Lion Feltham » | Browells Lane, Feltham, Hounslow Adult Male | Regents Park Rangers » | Hurlingham Road, Hammersmith, London Adult Female | Rh123 Athletic » | Queens Park Road, Caterham, Surrey Adult Male | Rifleman (Elms) » | Hampton, , Middlesex Adult Male | Rileys » | Adult Male | Rileys Rba » | Adult Male | Rising Sun » | Stanwell Road, Ashford, Middlesex Adult Male | Rma Sandhurst (Ps) » | Haig Road, Camberley, Surrey Adult Male | Rose & Thistle » | Watchetts Drive, Camberley, Surrey Adult Male | Royal Holloway Old Boys » | Nobles And East Fields, Prune Hill, Egham Adult Male | Royal Holloway University Of London Womens » | Nobles And East Fields, Prune Hill, Egham Adult Female | Rushmoor Community Youth » | Grasmere Road, Farnborough, Hampshire Male, Female, U17, U15, U14, U12, U11, U9, U8, U7 | Rushmoor Sunday » | Chaucer Road, Farnborough, Hampshire Adult Male | S.I.B. » | Wheatsheaf Lane, Staines, Middlesex Adult Male | Sa Stainash » | Off Green Lane, Datchet, Berkshire Adult Male | Saints Athletic » | Steeles Road, Aldershot, Hampshire Adult Male | Sandhurst Sports » | Memorial Park, Yorktown Road, Sandhurst Adult Male | Sandhurst Town Boys & Girls » | Memorial Park, Yorktown Road, Sandhurst Male, Female, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Sandrock » | Adult Male | Selsdon » | 282 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Selsdon Junior » | 282 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Male, Female, U17, U16, U15, U13, U12, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Selsdon Rangers » | Lime Meadow Avenue, Sanderstead, Greater London Male, U15, U14 | Sheen Park Rangers » | Twickenham Road, Richmond, Greater London Adult Male | Shelton Athletic Ladies » | Shelton Avenue, Warlingham, Surrey Female, U16, U15 | Southall Rangers » | High Street, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | Southwood Eagles » | Adult Male | Spartan Casuals » | Church Lane, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Spelthorne Rangers » | Manygate Lane, Shepperton, Middlesex Adult Male | St Margarets » | Richmond Road, Twickenham, Middlesex Adult Male | Staines Lammas Youth » | Kempton Avenue, Sunbury, Middlesex Male, Female, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Steamers » | Recreation Road, Guildford, Surrey Adult Male | Steve Beeks Soccer School » | Kingston Road, Staines, Surrey Male, U18, U15, U13, U11 | Sunbury Athletic » | Adult Male | Sunday Social » | High Street, Hounslow, Middlesex Adult Male | Sunday Warriors » | Browns Lane, Effingham, Effingham Adult Male | Sunningdale » | Vicarage Road, Egham, Surrey Adult Male | Surrey Athletic » | Wishbone Way, Goldsworth Park, Woking Adult Male | Surrey Saints » | Shelton Avenue, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Thames Bank Dynamoes » | High Street, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | Thames Club Fc » | Wheatsheaf Lane, Staines, Middlesex Adult Male | The Bell Inn » | Potley Hill Road, Yateley, Hampshire Adult Male | The Royal Standard » | Adult Male | The Three Kings » | Broom Road, Teddington, Middlesex Adult Male | Thornton Heath Rovers » | Tamworth Lane, Mitcham, London Adult Male | Traco Athletic » | Weybourne Road, Aldershot, Hampshire Adult Male | Transit Transport » | 190 Wills Crescent, Whitton, Twickenham Adult Male | Twickenham Tigers » | Egerton Road, Twickenham, Middlesex Male, Female, U10 | Tws » | Browells Lane, Feltham, Hounslow Adult Male | Vet Star » | Richmond Road, Twickenham, Middlesex Adult Male | Wallington Wanderers Youth » | Purley Way, Croydon, London Male, U17, U15, U14, U13, U12 | Walton Casuals Juniors FC » | Waterside Stadium, Waterside Drive, Walton on Thames Male, Female, U18, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Wandle Rovers » | Trenham Drive, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Wandsworth Borough Police » | Imber Court Sports Ground, Ember Lane, East Molesey Adult Male | Watchetts » | Adult Male | Watchetts » | Adult Male | Wayfarers » | High Street, Cranford, Middlesex Adult Male | West End Village » | Benner Lane, West End, Woking Adult Male | West London Youth » | Browells Lane, Feltham, Middlesex Male, Female, U13, U10 | West Thames College » | Thornbury Avenue, Osterley, Middlesex Adult Male | Westfield (Youth) » | Off Elmbridge Lane, Kingfield, Woking Male, U18 | Wey Valley Youth » | Mill Chase Road, Bordon, Hampshire Male, Female, U18, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Wheatsheaf Heatherside » | Cumberland Road, Camberley, Surrey Adult Male | Whitton Wanderers Youth » | Lampton Aveue, Hounslow, Middlesex Male, Female, U16, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8 | Whyteleafe Sports » | 282 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey Adult Male | Whyteleafe Youth » | 15 Church Road, Whyteleafe, Surrey Male, Female, U18, U17, U16, U15, U14, U13, U12, U10, U9, U7 | Windlesham United Youth » | Kennel Lane, Windlesham, Surrey Male, Female, U17, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 | Woking » | Kingfield Stadium, Kingfield Road, Woking Male, U19 | Woking College » | Rydens Way, Old Woking, Woking Adult Male | Woking Community » | Kingfield Stadium, Kingfield Road, Woking Adult Male | Woking Cougars Girls » | Benner Lane, West End, Woking Male, Female, U16, U14, U12, U10 | Woking United Sports Club Youth » | Wishbone Way, Goldsworth Park, Woking Male, U17, U16 | Woods Afc » | Adult Male | Yateley Youth » | Chandlers Lane, Yateley, Hampshire Male, Female, U16, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10, U9, U8, U7 |
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but have since deleted the words from their official website » Joey Barton appears at court accused of sending offensive messages to Jeremy Vine and Lucy Ward Joey Barton, who was a no-show at the previous hearing in January, was deemed to have sent messages of an indecent or grossly offensive nature for the purpose of causing distress and anxiety to Jeremy Vine and Lucy Ward » Arne Slot's Liverpool call goes unheard as Virgil van Dijk issues new vow Liverpool were caught up in the chaos at Everton as they conceded a late equaliser before a plethora of post-match incidents on a night where they showed a fragility that hasn't been there for much of the season so far under Arne Slot » The 18 words Virgil van Dijk said to Michael Oliver and Arne Slot as Liverpool tempers boiled As the Liverpool players and Arne Slot lost their minds at referee Michael Oliver, Virgil van Dijk's comments during the melee at Everton have been seemingly revealed
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- League intends to adopt new squad cost ratio approach
The Premier League is to delay the introduction of financial rules that would limit the amount clubs can spend on players, with profitability and sustainability rules (PSR) set to stay in place for next season. The league intends to adopt a new squad cost ratio (SCR) approach to spending controls, which would limit clubs to spending a set percentage of their income on player-related costs. SCR rules are operating in shadow form and the league had said it hoped to approve the measures before the end of this season. Continue reading... » Football Daily | Goodison Park’s derby days go out with a bang for Everton and Liverpool
Sign up now! Sign up now! Sign up now? Sign up now! As assorted boots, fists, water bottles, yellow and red cards, a policeman’s helmet and various expletives not suitable for a family football email emerged from a cartoon cloud of dust soundtracked by a baying mob in one corner of Goodison Park moments after the final whistle of Wednesday’s Merseyside derby, TNT Sports co-commentator Rio Ferdinand sounded very morose. “Nobody wants to see this,” he mournfully intoned, providing a level of insight into the human condition and fan culture that really ought to preclude him from ever being handsomely paid to enhance the TV viewer’s experience of what’s happening on a football pitch again. Needless to say, Football Daily is of the opinion that Rio enjoys a heated post-match stramash as much as the next football fan and was probably only saying what he thought his bosses would want to hear. The same bosses, presumably, who quickly posted an almost four-minute long clip of these “scenes nobody wants to see” on their YouTube channel, because they knew perfectly well that everybody who hadn’t been watching them unfold in real time would be desperate to watch them later. Whisper it, but did VAR have a pretty decent night at Goodison? It correctly allowed the marvellous James Tarkowski goal to stand. And the delay in adjudication certainly helped build the atmosphere. Heck, I’ll even give VAR credit for the handbags and sh!thousery that followed. Well done, VAR” – Mike Wilner. Further to reflections on the length of club allegiance (Football Daily letters passim), on Saturday I am taking my five-year-old grandson to his first match, Reading v Rotherham … leading to accusations of mistreatment from several friends. I’m hoping it will lead to lifelong support for Reading. Although sadly I would settle for the club still being in existence next season” – Alan Giles. Love the new xP metric (yesterday’s Football Daily). But isn’t it just a reformulation of the TFB (Tortured Fan Base) metric? TFB clubs always have the highest xP, regardless of recent results. The xP and TFB are not constant as Manchester United and Spurs prove (as xP can be always 0.00 during the Fergie years but growing since, while Spurs range between 0.2 and 0.7). You don’t mention the value range of xP (0.00 – 1.00 like xG?), but it’s easy to think of it as xG = TFB/100” – David Cavallo. I had to double take on yesterday’s News, Bits and Bobs (full email edition) when reading that ‘Kai Havertz is set to miss the rest of the season with hamstring-twang, leaving Arsenal without a recognised centre forward’. This would suggest that Arsenal had a recognised centre forward prior to Kai Havertz suffering hamstring-twang” – Mike Wrall (and others). This is an extract from our daily football email … Football Daily. To get the full version, just visit this page and follow the instructions. Continue reading... » Blackburn risk burnout as Venky’s blunder in waving goodbye to Eustace
Promotion-chasing Rovers are searching for new head coach as owners’ lack of investment likely fuels Eustace’s decision to join Derby The biggest question surrounding John Eustace’s departure from promotion-chasing Blackburn to struggling Derby is: why? The manager’s tenure at Rovers was indisputably a success. Parachuted in after the messy exit of Jon Dahl Tomasson almost exactly one year ago, Eustace guided Blackburn to safety and this season the team, despite being tipped as relegation candidates, have been in the top six for much of the time. After Wednesday’s 2-0 win at West Brom – without Eustace – Rovers are fifth with 14 games remaining. A return to the Premier League after 13 years remains a tantalising prospect. Continue reading... » Europa League: previews and predictions for the playoff round
Roma, Porto, Fenerbahce, Real Sociedad and Galatasaray are among the teams trying to book a place in the last 16 By Ben McAleer for WhoScored Fenerbahce are in good form in the Turkish league, their 2-0 win at Alanyaspor on Sunday extending their unbeaten run to 12 games. José Mourinho’s side are just three points behind Galatasaray, who remain unbeaten in the league. The downside for Fener is that they have only won twice in Europe this season and just once at home. They scraped into the playoffs, securing the 24th and final spot by the slimmest of margins, pipping Braga and Elfsborg on goal difference. Continue reading... » Kai Havertz injury lays bare Arsenal’s striking recruitment failings
Forward’s misfortune leaves Mikel Arteta having to rely on teenagers and players out of form or out of position It was a cruel irony that would surely not have escaped Mikel Arteta. Confirmation that Kai Havertz is expected to miss the rest of the season came 24 hours after Arsenal’s players returned from a warm-weather training camp in Dubai, with scans revealing the Germany striker had a torn hamstring. Having flown to the United Arab Emirates last week in an attempt to refresh his weary squad, Arteta has lost a third senior attacker to the same injury, Havertz joining Bukayo Saka and Gabriel Martinelli – who could be out for a month after limping out of the defeat by Newcastle in the Carabao Cup semi-final – on the sidelines. Gabriel Jesus is out until next season with an anterior cruciate ligament injury. Continue reading... » ‘An intrinsic motivation to get better’: Carlos Baleba justifies hype at Brighton
Cameroon midfielder is thriving having adapted to the Premier League and settled on the south coast Fabian Hürzeler is getting used to what he calls the “big hype”. After almost every game, the Brighton head coach is asked about the performance of Carlos Baleba in central midfield and the answer is always similar. “We all know that Carlos has an impact on our game because of his physicality and his quality in possession and he proved it in an impressive way,” Hürzeler said after the Cameroon international returned from injury to inspire the comeback victory over Chelsea in the FA Cup on Saturday night. “He played very mature and we are happy to have him back.” Continue reading... » Football Australia left to write next chapter of Sam Kerr saga with captaincy call
FA can only kick the can down the road for so much longer and a bold decision will have to be made before the Matildas’ next fixtures in April It has been more than two years since Sam Kerr’s night out in south London ended in a dispute with a taxi driver and soon afterwards a heated exchange in a police station. In the meantime the star striker has led the Matildas at a Women’s World Cup, added to the trophies and honours she has won with club side Chelsea, and been sidelined for more than a year with a serious knee injury. Kerr also had a criminal charge stemming from that turbulent night in January 2023 hanging over her head, after she was charged with racially aggravated harassment for calling a police officer “fucking stupid and white”. That legal case finally came to a close this week when the 31-year-old was found not guilty, but the shock waves from the incident that gripped football fans and more casual observers on both sides of the globe are still to abate. Continue reading... » Maeda gives Celtic Champions League hope but Kane wins first leg for Bayern
For 78 minutes, Bayern Munich performed like a team who were irritated at having to play an extra two games before taking a place in the Champions League’s last 16. The return leg next week looked little more than a box-ticking exercise. What happened next was as curious as it was intriguing. Daizen Maeda’s header afforded Celtic hope to the extent that they actually finished as the stronger side. Bayern, once so vastly superior, started to rock. Vincent Kompany’s team will still be the heavy favourites to progress from this playoff but Celtic will believe they can cause a shock. Continue reading... » Chelsea’s Sandy Baltimore: ‘I knew football in England was intense, it was what I was looking for’
French forward discusses her move from PSG, Chelsea’s strong start to the season and what attracted her to the club Sandy Baltimore stays on her feet for the interview. “I need to keep moving,” says the French forward on the edge of the pitch in the notoriously cold indoor arena of Chelsea’s Cobham training ground. All indoor 4G pitches at training grounds become greenhouses in the summer and are icy in winter and, on the day we meet, the temperature is particularly low. At 5ft 1in Baltimore does not tower; and the height that helps create a low centre of gravity that makes her so formidable with the ball at her feet is evident. On those feet, the choice of bright pink Air Force 1s gives a subtle hint to her love of fashion, contrasting sharply with her training gear. Continue reading... » The great escapism: Everton’s Corner Flag Guy and football’s lasting capacity for joy | Max Rushden
This has been a testing time on a personal level but seeing the euphoria at Goodison reminded me how the game can liberate The clock at Goodison reads 97.41 (+5). The Everton players, fans, stewards, ballboys are enmeshed in a throng of hi-vis and blue joy. In the middle of it stands a bespectacled man in a black puffer jacket and black bobble hat. It’s hard to tell from the footage, but he’s perhaps 50, maybe older. He is holding the corner flag aloft, waving it high in the air in his right hand – something between a medieval spear and the world’s most passionate morris dancer. He’s just scaled the Dawn Wall, he’s circumnavigated the globe. It’s a fleeting moment before a steward assumes control of the flag and our man bounces off in another direction. I love Corner Flag Guy. I love how football has moved him in that moment. Those of us (most of us) who support success-starved clubs often question the point of it all. Everton may be the ultimate example. They were good once. How many times now does the radio cross to Goodison at full time: “A chorus of boos from the Gwladys Street End.” Years of blunt strikeforces, of channel balls, of being reduced to only loving your right-back; 11th, 11th, 7th, 8th, 8th, 12th, 10th, 16th, 17th, 15th. What is the point? Continue reading... » Jackson’s absence exposes flaws in Chelsea and Maresca decision-making | Jacob Steinberg
There is a fear the manager is repeating his late-season wobble at Leicester; making light of Cup exits does not help The good news for Enzo Maresca is that refusing to accept Chelsea were in the title race earlier this season looks impressively prescient. The bad news, though, is that foreseeing a dip is not the same as being able to stop it. The mood shifts in that situation. What is Maresca made of? Chelsea’s supporters are starting to wonder. Accusations of one-dimensional tactics are growing, and it was naive of Maresca to respond to Chelsea losing to Brighton in the FA Cup last weekend by suggesting it could help them focus on their Premier League and Conference League campaigns. Communication has to be better after three wins in 10 games. Perhaps there was logic to Maresca’s comments – fewer distractions could aid Chelsea’s league form – but making them immediately after going out of a winnable competition felt unwise. Fans who had watched Chelsea fold against opponents reeling from a 7-0 defeat in their previous game were never going to react well to their inexperienced head coach seeming relaxed about another shot at a trophy disappearing. Continue reading... » Championship: Argyle ride Cup fever to rout Millwall as Eustace joins Derby
- Hardie the hero again as Plymouth move off bottom
- Sunderland, Burnley and Sheffield United march on
The FA Cup giantkillers Plymouth roared to their second memorable win in three days to climb off the foot of the Championship table. Ryan Hardie, the penalty hero against Liverpool on Sunday, scored twice in a thumping 5-1 victory against Millwall. Joe Bryan’s own goal gave Argyle the lead and another Hardie spot-kick put them two up. Home Park was buzzing again when Mustapha Bundu added the third eight minutes after half-time and Hardie grabbed his second before Bryan pulled one back. Continue reading... » Saudi ambassador tells World Cup fans: ‘You can have fun without alcohol’
- Prince Khalid expects 2034 tournament to be dry
- ‘There’s no alcohol. You can’t live without a drink?’
The Saudi Arabian ambassador to the UK has told football fans “plenty of fun can be had without alcohol” as he warned them not to expect to drink if they attend the 2034 World Cup. Prince Khalid bin Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud also said “we will welcome everyone” when asked to address the safety of LGBTQ+ people at the controversial tournament. Continue reading... » Semi-automated offside aid for VAR to be trialled in FA Cup fifth round
- PGMOL happy with improvements to delayed technology
- Seven of eight FA Cup ties are at Premier League grounds
Semi-automated offside technology (SAOT) is to be trialled in the FA Cup fifth round next month with a view to it being introduced in the Premier League before the end of the season. The Guardian has learned that the Football Association has agreed to run an experiment with the new technology, which has been delayed because of teething problems in the testing process. Continue reading... » Ratcliffe is being cast as Scrooge but Glazers made Manchester United’s mess | Jamie Jackson
Time will tell if the Ineos chief’s severe cost-cutting pays off, but this is a club that has been mismanaged for years Sir Jim Ratcliffe is making drastic cuts to Manchester United’s operation for fear that the club are on a fast-track to bankruptcy. Whether such seismic concerns are legitimate or unfounded, it reflects a tale of off‑field financial woe that matches the club’s 12 years in the title‑contending wilderness. The failure to reel in a 21st championship or make a genuine challenge for one is a direct corollary of slow decline and mismanagement under Malcolm Glazer, and then his six children after his death in 2014. Continue reading... » ‘No doubt’ kiss Luis Rubiales gave Jenni Hermoso was not consensual, court told
Prosecutor tells sexual assault trial that Spanish player has no reason not to tell the truth about what happened There is no doubt the kiss Luis Rubiales gave Jenni Hermoso after her triumph with Spain at the 2023 Women’s World Cup was non-consensual, a court has been told. Rubiales is standing trial for sexual assault in Spain after being forced to resign as president of Spain’s football federation in disgrace after the incident. Continue reading... » FC Dallas completes $5m swoop for former MLS MVP Luciano Acosta from FC Cincinnati
- FC Cincinnati expected to sign Portland’s Evander as replacement
- Deal is the largest yet made using MLS’s new internal cash trade system
FC Dallas acquired Argentine midfielder Luciano Acosta from FC Cincinnati for at least $5m Wednesday in one of the biggest official cash-for-player swaps to date in MLS. The 2023 MLS MVP is Cincinnati’s franchise leader with 54 goals and 72 assists after joining the club in 2021. Continue reading... » Champions League review: a fired up Vinícius Júnior and McKennie’s screamer
The knockout stages are here, and there were plenty of storylines to digest. We hand out honours and dishonours from the latest round of action Feyenoord Continue reading... » Everton’s logic-defying derby leveller reminds us football cannot be tamed | Jonathan Liew
Tarkowski’s goal against Liverpool didn’t undo the mistakes of the past but Goodison sure embraced the madness Before the actual ending, and then the melee that followed the ending, there was the original ending. The studio cut. The official’s board goes up to indicate five minutes of injury time. Vitalii Mykolenko puts a cross straight out of play. Jarrad Branthwaite and Carlos Alcaraz run into each other and bang heads. Tim Iroegbunam smashes a shot into the Gwladys Street End, and almost into Gwladys Street itself. The Liverpool fans are singing about winning the league at Goodison Park. Quite a few people are leaving. And let’s be honest here: this would also have been a fitting way for the last Goodison Park derby to end. Certainly it would have felt truer to where Everton and Liverpool are right now, at the start of 2025, a park and an ocean between them. Everton make noises, run hard, crack their whips; Liverpool shoot them in the face. Before the game, the Opta supercomputer simulated this fixture 10,000 times and gave Liverpool a 60% chance of winning. As the clock ticks over to 97 minutes, the Opta supercomputer is doing victory laps of the office and taking high-fives. Continue reading... » Again in the margins at Dortmund, Gio Reyna in danger of being an ‘eternal prospect’
With other former Dortmund stars thriving, the midfielder’s unlucky and ill-timed run of injuries shows no sign of slowing Gio Reyna looked serene, or maybe it was just the carefully cultivated light and airiness bouncing off him in Peleton’s Manhattan headquarters, where we had met up for an interview last summer. Either way, he was healthy and happy for the first time in a while, after his half-season loan to Nottingham Forest had been a bust. He was still only 21 but seemed to have matured. He had just gotten engaged. The beef with US national team coach Gregg Berhalter was behind him – that whole sordid deal when Gio’s parents sparked a civil war within American soccer with ugly allegations against Berhalter around the 2022 World Cup. He had dazzled, finally reemerging as the Reyna of old, at the Concacaf Nations League Finals in March, where he was named player of the tournament after guiding the US to a third straight title. He seemed perfectly positioned to make his mark on the Copa América. Instead the tournament turned into a debacle for the US. Reyna played plenty, but the host country eventually faced a group-stage elimination-cum-humiliation. Continue reading... » As any woman in the back of a locked taxi knows, Sam Kerr should never have been brought to court | Suzanne Wrack
The Matildas and Chelsea forward won’t be proud of the footage of her in a police station. But her acquittal underlines that the charges and court battle that followed were a waste of time and money Any woman who has been sitting in a cab and reached for the handle to find the door locked and felt their muscles instinctively tense for a split second until they hear the familiar clink of the car unlocking, even though they have been safely delivered to their requested destination, will have had an opinion on Sam Kerr’s court case. Drunk or sober, when a woman gets in a taxi at night, they are keeping a close eye on the route being taken, sharing their live location, messaging friends and/or partners and sharing trip details, watching the driver. In an Uber watching the driver go off the recommended route on your phone? Watching out the window as a driver turns off the route you know makes the most sense? Logical answers flash through your mind – there must be traffic, perhaps there are road closures, maybe there’s been an accident – but they do not quell a rising fear that puts you on high alert. Continue reading... » Anatomy of a Tifo: City’s Madrid jibe makes confused super club look small | Barney Ronay
Rodri banner is a worrying sign for an organisation that is slightly losing its own strict and impressive sense of order It can be a fun exercise during Manchester City games to imagine the contents of Pep Guardiola’s inner monologue, the stream of consciousness inside that whirring cranium as he strides his touchline, arms revolving, dressed these days in flowing Jedi robes, skater trainers and guru scarf, like a bald indie-Gandalf. Most of the time Guardiola seems to be worrying about tiny details, correctively raging at shape, positioning and pressing patterns, muttering things like Jack, Jack, NO JACK, NO JACK. YES JACK. Who knows? Maybe he’s just wondering if he should have worn the quilted over-gown after all. Continue reading... » Mapi León incident shows women’s football needs to protect its players | Suzanne Wrack
The fallout from Spain’s Liga F game at the weekend led to Daniela Caracas suffering horrendous online abuse On Monday footage began to circulate on social media that appeared to show the Barcelona defender Mapi León inappropriately touching the crotch of the Espanyol defender Daniela Caracas during Sunday’s Liga F match. León then appears to say something to her opponent. It then spiralled out of control. León was condemned for her perceived actions by some and a torrent of horrific online abuse was aimed at Caracas followed by others. Espanyol released a statement shortly after the footage began to circulate and gain traction expressing their “complete discontent and condemnation” of what they described as an “unacceptable” incident. The club said the incident should “not be overlooked” and that they would make their legal services available to the Colombia international should she wish to take legal action. Continue reading... » USL announces intention to start new league at same tier as MLS
- USL president says new competition is not a threat to MLS
- Would give USL competitions at every level of men’s soccer
The United Soccer Leagues (USL), the organization that administers most of the lower-division leagues in the United States, will announce on Thursday that it intends to add a new league to its portfolio: One that is sanctioned as Division I, the same level as MLS. The as yet-unnamed league, which USL says it intends to launch in 2027, would give the organization a circuit at each level of the men’s US Soccer system, along with the Division II USL Championship, Division III USL League One, the semi-pro USL League Two, and USL Youth leagues. It will also seemingly open up a direct line of competition between the organization and MLS, years after the two ended their strategic partnership that saw many MLS reserve teams playing in USL leagues. Continue reading... » Luis Henrique: the Brazilian lighting up Marseille under Roberto De Zerbi
The young Brazilian forward has been sensational in Ligue 1 this season. Next step the Seleção and Premier League? By Luke Entwistle for Get French Football News When Luis Henrique signed for Botafogo three years ago, the club’s owner – who also owns Lyon – cracked a joke at his unveiling. “He spent a bit of time playing for a small, small team in France called Olympique de Marseille,” said the American businessman. “Those of you from Lyon, I hope you’ll enjoy the joke.” Lyon were not laughing last weekend, though. Henrique has returned to the Vélodrome and it was his late volleyed goal that gave Marseille a 3-2 win over their fierce rivals in the Choc des Olympiques. It was Henrique’s ninth goal of the season, a remarkable achievement given he had only scored eight in his previous four seasons. The 23-year-old has racked up 15 goal contributions this season, which puts him among the top five most decisive Brazilians in Europe’s top five leagues, below Vinicius Junior, Raphinha, and Rodrygo, but above internationals such as Gabriel Martinelli and João Pedro. Continue reading... » Dortmund’s season is spiralling out of control after own goals on and off pitch | Andy Brassell
Niko Kovac faces a tough task after BVB’s Waldemar Anton and Serhou Guirassy aided their former club Stuttgart It had to be him. Waldemar Anton can’t have relished changing ends at half-time on Saturday. The performance of Borussia Dortmund’s big summer purchase had already captured the defender’s time so far in Nord-Rhine Westphalia in microcosm, as his blind backpass led to former teammate Deniz Undav going one-on-one with Gregor Kobel. Only a swift intervention from Emre Can prevented Anton’s error from leading to a Stuttgart goal. When BVB moved from defending the Südtribune in the second period, it became even more uncomfortable for Anton. He was that bit physically closer to the away Stuttgart fans in the north-eastern corner of Signal Iduna Park and their jeers and boos became more audible. They had been furious when the Uzbek-born centre-back had left, not so long after Anton had extended his contract and spoken of his pride at becoming Stuttgart’s captain. If the move north had come with a hefty bump in pay and status for Anton, it has so far been far from a resounding success and in a game in which Stuttgart created little of substance, his next inadvertent intervention felt almost inevitable. Continue reading... » In Retegui and Kean, Italy are finally spoilt again for in-form strikers | Nicky Bandini
Mateo Retegui and Moise Kean are firing Atalanta and Fiorentina up the table and themselves into Spalletti’s plans It feels like only yesterday that Roberto Mancini was lamenting the scarce selection of centre-forwards available to him as Italy manager. He returned to the theme repeatedly through his final few months in the job, highlighting how few domestic players were even starting up front for the nation’s top clubs. “It makes things difficult for us,” he said. “Let’s hope it’s not an irreversible phenomenon.” Luciano Spalletti has not dwelled on this subject since he succeeded Mancini in the role, but plenty of others were ready to say it for him as Italy crashed out early from Euro 2024. Starting up front in their last-16 defeat to Switzerland was Gianluca Scamacca, making his 20th appearance for Italy and yet to score his second goal. The only other recognised No 9 in the squad was Mateo Retegui, who had struck a modest seven times in his first Serie A season with Genoa. Continue reading... » Mbappé fires equaliser as Real and Atlético share spoils in Madrid derby
The match that was billed as a battle of the superheroes ended without a winner, all set up for a sequel instead. Kylian Mbappé and Julián Álvarez had looked out from Madrid’s front pages on the morning of the city derby, the media turning Marvel Comic, and they will probably be there on Sunday too but this isn’t over. The man they liken to a Mutant Turtle and the striker they call The Spider scored one each as another derby finished 1-1, leaving these two great rivals first and second in La Liga, a single point between them, left to fight another day. Between them Mbappé and Álvarez had already scored 37 goals in their debut seasons; on a night that took a while to get going but did eventually become a real contest if certainly not a classic, they took that to 39. Atlético started in the ascendency then Real were revived. Continue reading... » Serbia and Albania move on from ‘drone’ game but tensions still simmer
Rivals will co-host the 2027 U-21 European Championship, years on from flashpoint that sparked a diplomatic incident It was far more than a football flashpoint when, on a night in Belgrade that resembled the most vivid fever dream, all hell broke loose in a Euro 2016 qualifier between Serbia and Albania. The “drone” game of October 2014 is notorious and the abiding memory is of Albania’s players fleeing down the tunnel at Partizan Stadium, a tinderbox that had ignited dangerously. It sparked a diplomatic incident, the home country immediately summoning its near neighbour’s ambassador to discuss the chaos wreaked after a “Greater Albania” flag had been lowered over the pitch before half-time. Blame flew in every conceivable direction and it was a case study in how sport can amplify longstanding enmities in visceral, deeply consequential fashion. Maybe it was a dream after all. On Tuesday Uefa announced that the two countries would co-host its Under-21 Championship in 2027, confirming a decision effectively made last year after Belgium and Turkey withdrew their bids. There is justifiable contentment inside European football’s governing body given the hurdles that needed to be overcome. The line, as repeated by the Albanian FA president and Uefa ExCo vice-president Armand Duka, is that the event will be “a catalyst for breaking down barriers, enhancing mutual understanding and creating a more positive future for the people of Albania and Serbia”. Continue reading... » Atlanta United break MLS record to sign striker Emmanuel Latte Lath
- Former Middlesbrough striker signs through 2028
- $22m fee is largest outlay for a player in league history
Atlanta United announced the splash signing of speedy Ivory Coast striker Emmanuel Latte Lath on Tuesday. Atlanta reportedly paid an MLS-record $22m transfer fee to Middlesbrough, breaking the mark of $16.2m that FC Cincinnati spent in November to acquire forward Kevin Denkey from Belgium’s Cercle Brugge. Continue reading... » NWSL agrees to $5m settlement to resolve player abuse inquiry
- Settlement creates $5 million fund for NWSL players
- Players went public with allegations of abuse in 2021
The NWSL has agreed to create a $5m fund to compensate players who experienced abuse and implement reforms to resolve investigations launched by attorneys general for New York, Illinois and Washington DC after players came forward with allegations of harassment and sexual misconduct. Players from across the US top-flight National Women’s Soccer League went public in 2021 with allegations of misconduct by coaches and officials dating back over 10 years. Continue reading... » Police footage shows officer dismissing Sam Kerr claims before arrest – video
A jury found the Chelsea footballer not guilty of racially aggravated harassment after she called a police officer 'stupid and white'. Police bodyworn camera footage, released during the trial, showed PC Stephen Lovell dismissing her claims and calling her 'little missy' as she and her partner Kristie Mewis were giving their version of events to him. Kerr explained that she had felt they were 'taken hostage' by a taxi driver as he locked the doors and drove them to a police station after she vomited out the vehicle window. Continue reading... » Luis Rubiales tells court he asked Jenni Hermoso if he could kiss her – video
The former Spanish football federation boss Luis Rubiales has told a court that he asked the footballer Jenni Hermoso if he could kiss her before doing so after the Women’s World Cup final in 2023. Rubiales is accused of sexual assault and then attempting to coerce Hermoso, with the help of three other former football federation officials, into publicly saying the kiss on the lips at the awards ceremony in Australia had been consensual. He has denied the charges, saying the kiss was consensual, while Hermoso has said it was not. The ensuing scandal eclipsed Spain’s first Women’s World Cup victory and spurred efforts by Spain’s female players to expose sexism and achieve parity with male counterparts Continue reading... » 'A big disappointment': Slot reacts to Liverpool's shock FA Cup exit – video
The Liverpool manager, Arne Slot, said there 'wasn't a lot to be happy about' after his team's loss against Plymouth Argyle in the FA Cup fourth round. 'Credit to them. Good gameplan. They worked incredibly hard,' Slot told reporters in the post-match press conference. Continue reading... » Player sent off after removing corner flag due to puddle on pitch – video
A Watford Women's player was sent off after she, about to take a corner, removed the flag due to a puddle and was told by the referee to return it. Annie Rossiter did so before taking it out again and receiving a red card following an exchange with the official. Watford ultimately lost 3-2 to Lewes in their National League Southern Division game. 'I feel like the game was probably spoiled by some officiating decisions,' said Watford head coach Renée Hector Continue reading... » Even Total Haaland cannot stop Manchester City’s continuing nightmare | Barney Ronay
Pep Guardiola had a plan with his Norwegian striker at the centre, but it was no match for Carlo Ancelotti’s aura Almost, but also, somehow, nowhere near. For Manchester City this was once again an exercise in how to fall apart. For an hour at the Etihad Stadium, City became a flickering version of their best selves, driven on by a selection of creaking first-choice defensive parts lashed together and made to march four abreast into the sun for as long as their limbs could stand. By the time Real Madrid scored their first goal of this game on 60 minutes, half of that string‑and‑brown‑paper back four had either gone off or was already limping. Rico Lewis was being twirled around the place by Vinícius Júnior like a child at a wedding reception disco. And half an hour later, as Jude Bellingham scored to make it 3-2 to Madrid, City’s hopes of making the post‑playoff second knockout phase of this competition had narrowed to a fine point. Continue reading... » An FA Cup shock shouldn’t unhinge Liverpool, but football isn’t logical
Plymouth showed the world’s oldest football competition still has life but Arne Slot won’t be too worried despite his team winning just five of their last 11 games It was, it has to be acknowledged, a much-changed Liverpool lineup. Of the 11 players who began Sunday’s FA Cup fourth-round match at Plymouth Argyle, only Luis Díaz had made more than 10 league starts this season and only three others had made more than five. Even allowing for that, Plymouth’s victory registers as one of the great shocks of recent times, only the fourth time the leader of the Premier League has ever gone out of the competition to lower-division opposition. As their quietly charismatic 42-year-old Bosnian coach Miron Muslić pointed out afterward, it was a day that will go down in Plymouth’s history, that will be recalled for generations, as a one-off result more impressive than anything they achieved in reaching the semi-final in 1983-84. It was Liverpool’s ninth defeat to lower-league opposition this century but, in terms of the scale of the shock, it felt perhaps most akin to their exit against non-league Worcester City in 1959 when they were a second-flight club, a defeat that precipitated the decline that led to Phil Taylor making way for the great Bill Shankly. Continue reading... » Postecoglou undone by tactics and injuries but fans reserve ire for Levy | John Brewin
As Spurs’ head coach ploughs on, he has no choice but to use his best young players during damaging run of defeats The midfield press was non-existent, Morgan Rogers carving past white shirts before releasing Jacob Ramsey to shoot. The goalkeeping of Antonin Kinsky bordered on appalling but the travelling Tottenham fans who filled Villa Park’s North Stand had another culprit for the opening goal. It usually takes longer than 57 seconds to be voiced but “Daniel Levy, get out of our club” – or variants thereof – will be heard at every Tottenham game until, well, Daniel Levy gets out of Tottenham. Or, far more unlikely, he changes his approach to spending the club’s money. Continue reading... » Tarkowski cracker unleashes Merseyside derby chaos: Football Weekly Extra - podcast
Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, John Brewin, Archie Rhind-Tutt and Ewan Murray as Everton earn a dramatic point against Liverpool at Goodison Park Rate, review, share on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Audioboom, Mixcloud, Acast and Stitcher, and join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and email. On the podcast today: Goodison Park’s final Merseyside derby is a classic. What a moment for Everton fans as James Tarkowski wallops home an equalising screamer in the 98th minute. Then the scenes afterwards, with Curtis Jones, Abdoulaye Doucouré and Arne Slot among those sent off. Continue reading... » Football Daily | Manchester City and the Expected Pain meter against Madrid
Sign up now! Sign up now! Sign up now? Sign up now! It may have been a happy accident for Uefa, but opening the Bigger Cup playoffs with a game between the last two European champions was a boost for the new format and a treat for armchair fans everywhere. Fears that Manchester City and Real Madrid might keep things tight were forgotten once we got a look at the clown car parked in front of Ederson’s goal in the first 20 minutes. After Madrid had tried and failed to walk the ball into the net multiple times, City then took an unexpected lead through Jack Grealish’s cross, Erling Haaland’s forward run and clinical finish – all given a Guardiolan twist by left-back Josko Gvardiol popping up mid-move to chest the ball into Haaland’s path. The hosts held their lead until the half-time break, frustrating Carlo Ancelotti and intriguing Amazon Prime viewers in the UK who had pressed the wrong button while trying to watch Clarkson’s Farm. Continue reading... » Real Madrid do it yet again to stun Manchester City: Football Weekly - podcast
Max Rushden is joined by Barry Glendenning, Nicky Bandini and Philippe Auclair as the Champions League playoff round begins, featuring a five-goal thriller in Manchester Rate, review, share on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Audioboom, Mixcloud, Acast and Stitcher, and join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and email. On the podcast today: another one of those games between Manchester City and Real Madrid. An injury crisis in defence for the holders doesn’t deter them from taking a one-goal lead into next week’s second leg at the Bernabéu. Continue reading... » Hang them in the Louvre: football tables as works of art | The Knowledge
Plus: clubs making big profits on ageing players and the WSL teams playing each other four times in 13 days “Magdeburg were top of the 2.Bundesliga on Friday night after 19 games of the season … despite not having won a single home game,” wrote James Plain a couple of weeks ago. “It should have been hung in the Louvre – crowds notwithstanding. But what are the other best examples of tables as works of art?” Magdeburg have since dropped to fourth in the 2.Bundesliga. Thankfully they are yet to commit an act of cultural vandalism by winning a home game, so we’re saying this table qualifies as a work of art. Magdeburg are bottom of the home league table with seven points from 10 games and top of the away table with 27 from 11. Continue reading... » David Squires on … Liverpool’s sacrificial offerings meeting their end in Plymouth
Our cartoonist on the shocks, heroes, wondrous own goals and missing teeth of the FA Cup fourth round Continue reading... » Women’s FA Cup: talking points from the weekend’s fifth-round action
Khadija Shaw returns with a goal, Arsenal avoid an upset and Rugby and Wolves make the most of fifth-round ties Khadija Shaw provided a defiant response to those who subjected her to horrific racial and misogynistic abuse last week - by scoring an important goal on her return to the Manchester City squad. The striker withdrew from Gareth Taylor’s squad before Thursday’s League Cup semi-final against Arsenal to protect her mental wellbeing. Shaw, who had been out with injury for over a month until the end of January, came off the bench at half-time and scored City’s third in the 3-1 win against Leicester less than 15 minutes later – her first goal since 8 December. “I think that will give her a lot of confidence,” said Taylor, who knows his side’s season will hinge on a remarkable four meetings with Chelsea in the space of 13 days next month – starting with the League Cup final on 15 March, and followed by a two-legged Champions League quarter-final either side of a WSL meeting. Emillia Hawkins Continue reading... » Bunny Shaw abuse fallout, League Cup and FA Cup drama – Women’s Football Weekly
Faye Carruthers is joined by Suzy Wrack, Sophie Downey, and Sanny Rudravajhala to discuss Bunny Shaw, Chelsea and City’s League Cup final showdown, and a dramatic FA Cup weekend On the podcast today: Manchester City’s Bunny Shaw is subjected to vile racist and misogynistic abuse, leading to her absence from the League Cup semi-final. The panel discusses how football can better protect its players and the broader impact of such incidents. Elsewhere, Chelsea and Manchester City set up a League Cup final showdown and Crystal Palace made history by reaching the FA Cup quarter-finals. Plus, we break down the Women’s Champions League draw as Chelsea and City prepare for four meetings in 12 days. Continue reading... » Moving the Goalposts | Meet Club YLA – the Club Brugge women’s team doing things differently
Belgian club has its own name, unique brand and the freedom to develop a philosophy away from just winning Club YLA are fourth in the top division of the Belgian Women’s Super League, which is exactly where they finished in 2023-24. Catching the current leaders Leuven and the multiple champions Anderlecht is a long-term goal but this is a club doing things a bit differently. The club is the women’s team of Club Brugge, led by the chief executive Guillian Preud’homme, with its own unique brand created in cooperation with the Dutch company Studio Dumbar in order to attract new supporters, boasting its own merchandise range with different colours to the men. Continue reading... » History, memory, grief and belonging: my bittersweet Goodison farewell
Evertonian Alexandra Topping – knowing that the famous old ground’s time was running out – made a final pilgrimage with her nine-year-old son It’s the sound of Goodison Park that gets you. The deep rumble of feet pounding on planks when a blue shirt walks to the corner flag, a thundering drumbeat that vibrates through the legs, up into the torso, direct to the heart. It’s the staccato clatter of wooden seats flipping skyward as a player runs down the wing. The chants started in the belly of lower stands which spill out into the air in swirling eddies, echoing disjointedly around the ground. It’s the sound of my childhood, the sound of my teens and a specific sound that – at the end of this season – will not be heard again. Everton Football Club are leaving Goodison Park – their home for more than 130 years – and moving to a state-of-the-art 52,888-capacity stadium at Bramley-Moore dock, on the banks of the Mersey. Continue reading... » Miron Muslic: ‘Real life is a lot more difficult than playing a football game’
New Plymouth Argyle manager on fleeing from genocide in Bosnia when he was nine and the ‘fantasy’ of managing against Liverpool in the FA Cup As the waves crash against the harbour walls of West Hoe Pier, a Grade II-listed structure beneath Plymouth’s Grand Parade, Miron Muslic’s mind turns to the sights and sounds of spring 1992 in Bihac, Bosnia. He was a typical nine-year-old boy, happiest having a kickabout or watching He-Man, still on a high from getting a BMX for his birthday months earlier. “We became refugees overnight,” he says. “We faced a genocide in the heart of Europe. You fear for your life, you’re scared. It was just devastating. We had to grab everything we could put in a bag and move 700km [435 miles]. I don’t think I was really aware of what was going on. How could I be?” Muslic, his younger sister, Marinela, and their parents, Camil and Mersada, fled to Austria via Hungary, eventually arriving in the scenic Pertisau am Achensee after a few days on the road via various modes of transport. “And from there, Austria became our second home,” he says. Continue reading... » Straight to penalties? Greed is football’s real shortcoming, not extra time | Jonathan Wilson
Shootouts are the least bad way the game has found to settle drawn matches, but they should be a last resort So Uefa is considering doing away with extra time, at least in the knockout stage of the Champions League, another grand old tradition swept away as the arc of history bends towards the generation of revenue for the already wealthy. This is the way of the world and so it is the way of football, all that is great and glorious about the game desecrated to produce more content to be sold. But first, a caveat, an increasingly necessary one as middle age hurtles by. Is this about age? Are our responses to extra time conditioned by our formative years? My first FA Cup final was 1982, a drab game enlivened by Glenn Hoddle putting Tottenham ahead after 110 minutes and Terry Fenwick heading an equaliser five minutes later (Spurs then won the replay). The Schumacher-Battiston World Cup semi-final in Seville came six weeks later: at 90 minutes it was 1-1, by the 98th minute it was 3-1 to France and by the end it was 3-3 and West Germany had won on penalties. The following year’s FA Cup final also went to extra time as Manchester United drew with Brighton; although there were no goals in the added 30 minutes, there was the drama of Gordon Smith’s late miss. Continue reading... » What becomes of diehard football fans who stop going to matches?
Why do once avid supporters drift away? I went in search of five former matchgoing fans to find out By Donald Walker for Nutmeg magazine What becomes of the broken-hearted? Or perhaps more to the point, what becomes of the scunnered, the disillusioned and the bored? For many of us bitten by the football bug, it’s often a lifelong condition, almost like a kind of malaria: manageable but prone to sudden, intense flare-ups, and impossible to cure. But sometimes diehard supporters stop going to matches after years or even decades of faithful attendances. Why? Death is an obvious reason, or having to work on a Saturday, increased family responsibilities, poor health, the cost of living, moving away from the area, taking up a competing pursuit, falling out with friends, taking the huff with the club directors, or quite simply becoming fed up with football. It’s Saturday and the sun is shining
Perhaps a visit to RSS Discovery
A step back in time, into history
Yet I’m not happy
You almost feel that Captain Scott is standing there
But he’s not the Robert Scott I long to see. Continue reading... » The 100 best male footballers in the world 2024
Rodri has beaten Vinícius Júnior and Erling Haaland to top our ranking of the most talented players in the world this calendar year Continue reading... » Rodri stands tall on top of the world after year of glory and pain
The Manchester City midfielder becomes the sixth player to top our ranking of the world’s best 100 male footballers One of the worst things about seeing Rodri in agony on the pitch against Arsenal in September – and the subsequent news that he had ruptured an anterior cruciate ligament – was that in the buildup to the injury he had criticised the workload being put on players. It was as if he knew something bad was about to happen. In April, after an epic 3-3 draw at Real Madrid the Manchester City and Spain midfielder said: “I do need a rest.” He added: “Let’s see how we speak, how we live the situation. Sometimes it is what it is. I need to adjust. It [rest] is something we are planning, yes.” Continue reading... » The 100 best female footballers in the world 2024
Aitana Bonmatí finishes top of our rankings for a second consecutive year, with Caroline Graham Hansen second and Sophia Smith third Continue reading... » Aitana Bonmatí on top of the world again but England close gap on Spain
The Spanish midfielder wins for a second consecutive year on a fast-moving list that sees 15 players appearing for the first time Aitana Bonmatí emulates her Barcelona and Spain teammate Alexia Putellas and takes back-to-back wins in the Guardian’s 100 best female footballers in the world list. The double Ballon d’Or winner received votes from all 99 of this year’s judges, finishing 667 points clear of her club teammate Caroline Graham Hansen, the Norwegian climbing to her highest ranking after a superb individual year for both club and country. Continue reading... » Next Generation 2024: 60 of the best young talents in world football
From Franco Mastantuono to Estêvão, we select some of the most talented players born in 2007. Check the progress of our classes of 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 … and look at the editions from further back Continue reading... » Next Generation 2024: 20 of the best talents at Premier League clubs
We pick the best youngsters at each club born between 1 September 2007 and 31 August 2008, an age band known as first-year scholars. Check the progress of our classes of 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 … and look at the editions from further back Continue reading... » Next Generation 2023: 60 of the best young talents in world football
From Warren Zaïre-Emery to Endrick, we select some of the best players born in 2006. Check the progress of our classes of 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 Continue reading...